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Showing 601-640 of 2965 results

Code Name Product Type Clone
GM-4132 Mouse anti Lysozyme, conjugated to FITC Primary Antibodies LZ-2
GM-4133 Mouse anti Lysozyme, conjugated to PE Primary Antibodies LZ-2
GM-4152 Mouse anti CD68 (Macrosialin), conjugated to FITC Primary Antibodies Ki-M7
GM-4191 Mouse anti Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Primary Antibodies 8E6
GM-4192 Mouse anti Myeloperoxidase-C2 (MPO-C2), conjugated to FITC Primary Antibodies 8E6
GM-4193 Mouse anti Myeloperoxidase-C2 (MPO-C2), conjugated to PE Primary Antibodies 8E6
GM-4991 IgG1 Negative Control Negative Control VI-AP
GM-4992 IgG1 Negative Control, conjugated to FITC Negative Control VI-AP
GM-4993 IgG1 Negative Control, conjugated to PE Negative Control VI-AP
GpASw/Ins/7S Guinea Pig anti Swine insulin Polyclonal
GpASw/Ins/FITC Guinea Pig anti Swine insulin, conjugated with FITC Polyclonal
GpIgG Guinea Pig IgG Isotype control
H26p Chicken anti Chlorpyrifos Primary Antibodies Polyclonal
H34p Rabbit anti Chlorpyrifos Serums Polyclonal
H35p Rabbit anti Chlorpyrifos Primary Antibodies Polyclonal
H35s Rabbit anti Chlorpyrifos Serums Polyclonal
H39s Rabbit anti Chlorpyrifos Serums Polyclonal
HE100 HEA125, Epithelium-specific Glycoprotein, Egp34, EpCAM (CD326) HEA125
HE500 HEA125, Epithelium-specific Glycoprotein, Egp34, EpCAM (CD326) HEA125
HoMk Horse milk Serums
HP300 HPV (Type 1, 6, 11, 16, 18, 31) Human Papilloma virus (Screening Antibody) Monoclonal Antibody 1H8
HP305 HPV (Type 16 & 18, E6) Human Papilloma Virus Early Protein 6 Monoclonal Antibody C1P5
HSA Human Serum albumin Fr.IV Proteins & Peptides
HuAlb Human Serum albumin Proteins & Peptides
HuFab Human Fab of normal IgG Proteins & Peptides
HuMk Human milk Serums
IBA-BSA Indole-3-butyric acid conjugated to BSA Proteins & Peptides
IgY-010 Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived) Control antibodies
IgY-010-NA Normal Chicken IgY (no Sodium Azide) Control antibodies
IgY-100 Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived) Control antibodies
IgY-1000 Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived) Control antibodies
IgY-AGA-1 Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with Agarose Control antibodies
IgY-B Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with Biotin Control antibodies
IgY-F Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with FITC Control antibodies
IK 2000 EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (20 yolks) Kits
IgY-HRP Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP Control antibodies
IK 4000 EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (40 yolks) Kits
IK 500 EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (5 yolks) Kits
IK 8000 EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (80 yolks) Kits
J49p Rabbit anti Pirimiphos Primary Antibodies Polyclonal