Why Choose Our IgY Purification Kit?
Why Choose Our IgY Purification Kit?
Why Choose?
The answer is simple.
Compared to the competition, not only is our chicken antibody purification kit cheaper to buy (per mg IgY purified) but the IgY yield obtained per gram egg yolk is, on average, 50% higher.
Unlike other IgY purification kits, our kit is polyethylene glycol (PEG) – free. High molecular weight PEG may interfere with your antibody assay and is difficult to remove.
Our antibody purification kit comes with detailed instructions and technical support is always available. Please Email us with any questions you may have.
Kit Contents
EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (5 yolks) (Cat. No. IK 500)
- Reagent A (500 ml)
- Reagent B (500 ml)
- Egg Separator
- Instructions
EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (20 yolks) (Cat. No. IK 2000)
- Reagent A (4 x 500 ml)
- Reagent B (4 x 500 ml)
- Egg Separator
- Instructions
EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (40 yolks) (Cat. No. IK 4000)
- Reagent A (3.8 L)
- Reagent B (3.8 L)
- Egg Separator
- Instructions
EggsPress IgY Purification Kit (80 yolks) (Cat. No. IK 8000)
- Reagent A (2 x 3.8 Litres)
- Reagent B (2 x 3.8 Litres)
- Egg Separator
- Instructions
Kit Storage Conditions
- Keep at room temperature until ready to use.
- Reagents A and B must be refrigerated before use.
What you will need
- Egg yolks
- Distilled Water
- Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
- Pasteur pipette
- Balance
- Beaker, graduated cylinder
- Stir plate and stir bar
- Refrigerator
- Centrifuge
Separate Kit Components Available
Perhaps a 90% pure IgY preparation is not necessary for your experimental procedure. Delipidation of the egg yolk provides the researcher with a diluted IgY solution (also containing other yolk proteins) which, concentrated and dialyzed, can be used for many applications. To delipidate your egg yolk only, egg separators and Reagent A are available separately.
Reagent B, our IgY precipitation reagent, is also available separately to purify IgY from other yolk proteins after delipidation.